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Syntax (autogenerated)

...=...,...inherits from \setupsectionblock


[...] name
[...,...=...,...] see \setupsectionblock



One possible use of section blocks is to have different numbering systems for page numbers for different parts of a document. This example is slightly edited from Marco's answer to this TeX StackExchange question: .

  • \usemodule[ipsum] % just used to easily fill several pages with content
    % Define a section block with lowercase roman numeral page numbers
    \definestructureconversionset [roman:pagenumber] [] [romannumerals]
    % Reset the page counter for the main text
    \startsectionblockenvironment [bodypart]
        \placecontent  % table of content to show how the page numbers are rendered
        \section{Roman numeral pages}
        \section{Arabic numeral pages}

See also

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