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The command \in is used for referencing using a number.




Inserts a reference to a location in the document which has been marked with a label (e.g. an equation, figure, section, enumerated item). This works only with numbered items! The curly-brace arguments contain prefix and suffix, the square brackets contain the label of the point/object/section to which you are referring.

After the prefix an automatic space is inserted in the output. If this is problematic, for instance because you want parentheses around a referenced number, see \definereferenceformat. That command allows you to define your own in-like commands.


Example 1

  • \setuppapersize[A5]
    This is explained in \in{Equation}{.}[eq:pythagoras]

Hide the chapter number

In a magazine, the chapter might be an article without a chapter number. But using \at{section}[sec:something], you’ll get “section 2.5.1“ where you only want “section 5.1”.

Use \setupreferencestructureprefix to omit the first “segment”:



See also

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