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                "title": "Read Me",
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                        "*": "What follows is the text from\n[[manual:mreadme.pdf|mreadme.pdf]],\nadapted to wiki markup.  \n\nThis page is generated from mreadme.pdf on 2019.02.04.\n\n== Read Me First ==\n\n=== Introduction ===\n\nWhat licence suits best for a TeX like system is a matter of taste. Personally\nwe dislike any licence that needs more than a few pages of dense legal code to\nget the message across. A TeX related system like ConTeXt is a hybrid of\nprograms, scripts and/or macro code as well as documentation and sample code,\nincluding graphics. TeX related systems also have a long standing tradition of\nproviding support structures for users. In order to make support feasible, a\nTeX based system like ConTeXt assumes a certain logic and structure in the\nway the related files are named and organized in a tree structure. Even a small\nchange in one of the elements may let such a system behave differently than\nmanuals suggest. Swap a font, change some style defaults, leave out some pieces,\nand users may end up in confusion. A licence does not give a user any guarantees!\n\nIn order to satisfy those responsible for distributing ConTeXt, we need to\nchoose a licence that makes them feel comfortable. Unfortunately we don't feel\nthat comfortable with a licence that does not provide the guarantees that a\nsystem will not be adapted in such ways that the advertised behaviour changes. On\nthe other hand, it is the responsibility of those distributing and extending the\nsystem to make sure that this does not happen. However, users should not\nautomatically assume that what they get shipped is the same as the original,\nwhich is why we stress that support (from our side) will only be given on\nunaltered systems.\n\nFirst of all, what is ConTeXt? It's just a bunch of macros, written in TeX\nand MetaPost, meant for typesetting documents. The macros are accompanied by\nsome scripts, written in Perl (mainly the older scripts) Ruby (also older\nones) and Lua (the current fashion). The ConTeXt distribution comes with a\nfew fonts, files that help manage resources (e.g. map files needed for MkII),\nas well as patterns (based on official ones, so this is a derived work).\n\nThe ConTeXt distribution is packaged in a zip file organised in the TDS\nstructure.\n\n<table>\n<tr><td><tt></tt></td><td>the main distribution that has all relevant files</td></tr>\n<tr><td><tt>cont-tst.7z</tt></td><td>a bunch of test files that can also serve as examples</td></tr>\n<tr><td><tt></tt></td><td>a MetaPost to PDF converter (not needed in ConTeXt)</td></tr>\n<tr><td><tt></tt></td><td>a macro package for typesetting chemistry (not needed in ConTeXt)</td></tr>\n<tr><td><tt></tt></td><td>configuration files for using ConTeXt in the SciTE editor</td></tr>\n</table>\n\nThere are two flavours of ConTeXt: MkII and MkIV. The first one is frozen and\nwill not be extended. It runs on top of PdfTeX or XeTeX. The MkIV version is\nactively developed and runs on top of LuaTeX (an engine that is developed\nalongside ConTeXt but that can also be used for other macro packages).\n\nThe documentation can be downloaded from our website or the Wiki. Some manuals\nship with source code. We might ship more source code but only when the source is\nstable and clean and can serve as an example.\n\nThat said, what licence does apply? We need to distinguish between things that\nresemble a program on the one hand and documentation on the other hand. We\n(currently) use a different licence for either of them.\n\n=== The Code ===\n\nThe program code (i.e. anything not under the  <tt>/doc</tt> subtree) is\ndistributed under the\n\n<div style=\"color:gray;\">\n: [ Creative Commons GNU GPL]\n</div>\n\nFor practical purposes distributers may also choose the LaTeX project licence,\nwhich is considered to be a bit more TeX friendly. (BSD alike licences also\napply well for ConTeXt.)\n\nIn practice, users may forget about the legal part, if only because I haven't\neven read (and understood) it completely myself, so let's stick to what Creative\nCommons makes of it:\n\n\n<div style=\"color:gray;\">\nThe GNU General Public License is a Free Software license. Like any Free Software \nlicense, it grants to you the four following freedoms: \n\n* The freedom to run the program for any purpose. \n* The freedom to study how the program works and adapt it to your needs. \n* The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbour. \n* The freedom to improve the program and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits. \n\nYou may exercise the freedoms specified here provided that you comply with the\nexpress conditions of this license. The principal conditions are:\n\nYou must conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy distributed an\nappropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty and keep intact all the\nnotices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give\nany other recipients of the Program a copy of the GNU General Public License\nalong with the Program. Any translation of the GNU General Public License must be\naccompanied by the GNU General Public License.\n\nIf you modify your copy or copies of the program or any portion of it, or develop\na program based upon it, you may distribute the resulting work provided you do so\nunder the GNU General Public License. Any translation of the GNU General Public\nLicense must be accompanied by the GNU General Public License.\n\nIf you copy or distribute the program, you must accompany it with the complete\ncorresponding machine-readable source code or with a written offer, valid for at\nleast three years, to furnish the complete corresponding machine-readable source\ncode.\n\nAny of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright\nholder.\n\nYour fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.\n</div>\n\nMany source filed mention the <q>ConTeXt Development Team</q> as\ncopyright holder. This is because over time users submit patches and whenever\nsomething happens to the main author, those involved in development can take\nover without the need to bother about derived work. In the end the ConTeXt\ngroup is the place to get more information.\n\n=== Recommendations ===\n\nHere are a few recommendations in case you want to distribute, extend of embed\nConTeXt in applications:\n\n*   You can best leave the code base untouched. Most of ConTeXt provides hooks and it's relatively easy to overload code. Leave the lower level system code untouched: changes may backfire when you update. Asking for more hooks is the best way to go.\n\n*   Put your own code in the right subpaths, i.e. modules approved by the development team under <tt>.../third</tt>, and styles and whatever else under <tt>.../user</tt>. This way your code will not interfere with existing code and updating will give less problems. Keep in mind that TeX systems have their own way and order in locating files, and the load order often matters.\n\n*   Don't copy styles and change a few lines, but load the base one and built/patch on top of that. In the end you may benefit from improvements to the base style.\n\n*   Be original. The whole idea behind ConTeXt is that you can write your own styles. On the ConTeXt mailing list as well as on the Wiki there are enough advanced users to help you make a start.\n\n*   Don't hesitate to submit bugs reports and ask for extensions. It may even be that what you want is already present but yet undocumented.\n\n*   If things don't work as expected, check to what extend your system matches the (more or less) standard. We provide so called minimal ConTeXt trees that can serve as a reference. Because ConTeXt evolves, make sure your system is up to date. The ConTeXt garden provides ways to install and update the standard distribution.\n\n*   The scripts can best be called using <tt>mtxrun</tt>. This lessens dependencies on the location in the tree and ensures upward compatibility. It also prevents clashes with similar scripts.\n\n*   Some scripts depend on each other. Don't mess around with the existing functionality and names of the scripts and then feed them back into the standard distributions.\n\n=== Documents ===\n\nThe documentation is provided under another Creative Commons licence:\n\n<div style=\"color:gray;\">\n:Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike \n</div>\nThis one says: \n\n<div style=\"color:gray;\">\nYou are free: \n* to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work \n* to make derivative works \n\nATTRIBUTION: You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. \n\nNONCOMMERCIAL: You may not use this work for commercial purposes. \n\nSHARE ALIKE: If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one. \n\n* For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. \n* Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. \n\nYour fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above. \n</div>\n\nIf you distribute ConTeXt and related software on electronic media as part of\nTeX distributions (either or not for money), you may also distribute the\nmanuals and their sources in electronic form, preferable as provided by the\nmaintainers of ConTeXt.\n\nKeep in mind that logos and cover designs are not meant to be copied. We provide\nthe source code for some manuals, but we don't always provide all graphics and\nother resources. For instance, in some manuals we use commercial fonts and you\nhave to buy those yourself.\n\nWe provide the typeset manuals at our website. Those are the official ones. We\nappreciate it if you do not to distribute manuals compiled on your own system as\nsubstitutes. The manuals are a showcase for what ConTeXt provides. Help us to\nassure the quality.\n\n=== More information ===\n\nWe're not going to fill ''n'' pages with legal stuff, so if you want to\nknow more, you have to consult the web for the legalities mentioned. Here are a\nfew starting points:\n\n <br>\n \n\n <br> \n \n\nConTeXt itself can be fetched from the main site or the garden:\n\n <br>\n \n\nThese always ship the latest versions. Alternatively you can install the whole\nTeX distribution, which is a yearly snapshot:\n\n\n\nA starting point for support can be found at:\n\n <br>\n \n\nAnd of course there is the ConTeXt group:\n\n \n\nBugs and feature requests can be registered at the collector:\n\n\n\nReleases are announced at:\n\n\n\nThe developers can be met at:\n\n\n\n=== Disclaimer ===\n\nTo play safe we include a disclaimer here, taken from the BSD style licence. For\nsome reason such a text is always in unreadable capitals, so ...\n\n<div style=\"color:gray;\">\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR \u201cAS IS\u201d AND ANY EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES\nOF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED.\nIN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT,\nINCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT\nNOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,\nDATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY\nTHEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF\nTHIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n</div>\n\n... and don't bother discussing licence issues and related things with us\nfor the mere sake of discussing licence stuff.\n\n: Hans Hagen\n: PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering \n: Hasselt NL\n\n\n[[Category:Development]]"
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                        "*": "this page is kept with protection on but no functional content because it is a recurring spam target. [[User:Taco|Taco]] 16:22, 4 January 2007 (CET)\n\n[[Category:Wiki-Maintenance]]"