Difference between revisions of "Changes"

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(first version)
m (Added link to downloadable .tex file, changed link to .pdf file slightly.)
Line 1: Line 1:
At my work, we have to add some sort of revision history to certain documents.
At my work, we have to add some sort of revision history to certain documents.
[[media:Changes.pdf|example pdf]]
A downloadable version of the macro is available [[media:Changes.tex|here]], and a PDF example of the output [[media:Changes.pdf|here]].

Revision as of 00:38, 5 August 2004

At my work, we have to add some sort of revision history to certain documents.

A downloadable version of the macro is available here, and a PDF example of the output here.

\newdimen\BigWidth \BigWidth=18cm
\setupheadertexts[Rév.: \the\RevC]
\def\Vfil{\vskip0pt plus3fil\relax}
\def\In[#1,#2]{\ifx#1\empty\else\in[#1]\fi\if\relax#2\else, \In[#2]\fi}

\def\startChanges{\hbox to \hsize\bgroup\hss\SetTableToWidth{\BigWidth}%
  \starttable[s1 | c | c | p(95mm) | p(17mm) | p(37mm) |]
  \HL\BL[5]\AR\VL Rév.\VL Date\VL Origine de la mise à jour\VL§ modifié\VL
  \global\advance\RevC by 1\VL\the\RevC\VL#1\VL#2\VL\In[#3,\relax]\VL
  \def\temp{#1}\ifx\temp\empty\else\noindenting Destinataires:\crlf#1\blank\fi
\bf\starttable[| c | c | c |]
\HL\BL[3]\AR\VL Approbateur\VL Date\VL Visa\VL\AR\HL
\VL\vbox to 2cm{}\VL\VL\VL\AR\HL

\Changes{1/2/2004}{First version}{}{Peter}
\Changes{3/4/2004}{Some modifications}{sec:S1,sec:S2}{Peter Münster}
\Changes{5/6/2004}{Some other modifications}{sec:S2}{Peter}
\Destinataires{Peter, Olivier}

\section[sec:S1]{A section}
some text

\section[sec:S2]{Another section}
some text