Mac Installation

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< Installation | TeX Distributions >

Standalone ConTeXt

The "ConTeXt Suite" distribution is the recommended way to use ConTeXt on any OS. For a Mac tutorial see the mac section under ConTeXt Suite


A straightforward way to to install ConTeXt on Mac OS X is via the MacTeX distribution. The distribution includes TeXShop and TeXworks editors, TeX Live Utility for managing updates, and many other goodies. It is highly recommended to use at least MacTeX 2011.

TeXshop and TeXworks

Typically, both editors work out of the box, but if you are using version earlier than those shipped with MacTeX 2011 (TeXShop 2.42) you need to configure engines for ConTeXt manually.


If you install ConTeXt in your Applications Folder, you have to create a new engine.

Go to : /Users/username/Library/TeXShop/Engines.

Then, create a file with .engine as extension. Paste this in your new engine :

$ #!/bin/bash
$ export PATH=/Applications/ConText/tex/texmf-osx-64/bin:$PATH
$ export TEXMFCACHE=/Applications/ConText/tex/texmf-cache
$ context "$1"

Now, when you will open TeXShop, you can choose this new engine.


If you install ConTeXt in your Applications Folder, you have to create a new engine.

Go to your preferences inside TeXworks.

In Typesetting Menu, in Processing tools, add a new engine. In Name, type what you want. In Program : /Applications/ConText/tex/texmf-osx-64/bin/texmfstart In Arguments :

*texexec as the first argument
*$fullname as the second argument
*$synctexoption as the third argument.

Skim (PDF viewer)

Unless you are using TeXshop or TeXworks with built-in viewers, the recommended PDF viewer with SyncTeX support and auto-refresh on Mac OS X is Skim.

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