Paragraph Enumeration

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Revision as of 08:19, 29 April 2005 by Adam (talk | contribs) (add ConTeXt native way)
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This code was proposed by Taco to the list:



   {\par \begingroup \appendtoks \Paragraphnumber \to \everypar}

   {\par \endgroup}


Unnumbered text before.

This is the first numbered paragraph.

This is another paragraph. This is another
paragraph. This is another paragraph.

Unnambered text after.

If you're happy with numbers in the margin, this is in-built ConTeXt way, with \setupparagraphnumbering:

\input knuth 
\input knuth \par 
\input tufte \par
\dorecurse{4}{\input tufte \par}