Paragraph Enumeration

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Revision as of 07:18, 4 September 2005 by Brooks (talk | contribs) (Added some examples of the typeset output.)
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This code was proposed by Taco to the list:


   {\par \begingroup \appendtoks \Paragraphnumber \to \everypar}
   {\par \endgroup}

Unnumbered text before.

This is the first numbered paragraph.

This is another paragraph. This is another
paragraph. This is another paragraph.

Unnambered text after.

This produces the following result:

If you're happy with numbers in the margin, this is in-built ConTeXt way, with \setupparagraphnumbering:

\input knuth 
\input knuth \par 
\input tufte \par
\dorecurse{4}{\input tufte \par}