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Syntax (autogenerated)

[...]normal standard yes strict tolerant top bottom both broad fit first last high one low none line strut box min max middle math math:line math:halfline math:-line math:-halfline name

[...,...]inherits from \definegridsnapping


[...,...,...] top both bottom -top -both -bottom text high middle low page none standard broad fit depth line dimension


Adjust the placement of a box on the grid. The mandatory argument is an explicit TeX box; box registers defined by \newbox will not work. That leaves \hbox:

\snaptogrid \hbox \bgroup
  content that should be grid aligned

and \vbox:

\snaptogrid \vbox {\externalfigure [cow]}

The optional first argument determines the snap method which can be one of the following:

Argument Description
normal height: rounded up; depth: rounded up; enlarge by line height and depth
standard synonym for normal
yes synonym for normal
strict height: rounded up to 0.8 times the line height; depth: rounded up to 0.8times the line height; enlarge by line height and depth
tolerant height: rounded up to 1.2 times the line height; depth: rounded up to 1.2 times the line height; enlarge by line height and depth
top height: rounded down; depth: rounded up; enlarge by line height and depth
bottom height: rounded up; depth: rounded down; enlarge by line height and depth
both height: rounded down; depth: rounded down; enlarge by line height and depth
broad height: rounded up; depth: rounded up; enlarge by line height and depth; snap height and depth reduced by 0.8
fit height: rounded up; depth: rounded up; enlarge by line height and depth; snap height and depth reduced by 1.2
first align to top line
last align to bottom line
high height: rounded down; depth: rounded up; don’t enlarge
one height: rounded down; depth: rounded down
low height: rounded up; depth: rounded down; don’t enlarge
none don’t enlarge
line enlarge both height and depth by one line depth
strut enlarge by height and depth (default)
max synonym for normal
min synonym for both
middle height: rounded up; depth: rounded up

Where snap height and snap depth are the dimensions \globalbodyfontstrutheight and \globalbodyfontstrutdepth, respectively.


\useMPlibrary [dum]
\setuppapersize [A6]
\setuplayout [grid=yes] %% set the global snap method

\def \makedummy {
  %% create a dummy figure with a vsize that is not a multiple of the
  %% leading
  \externalfigure [dummy] [height=\dimexpr4.25\lineheight]%

  \input ward \par

  method: default
  \snaptogrid\vbox{\makedummy} \par
  \input ward \par

  method: top
  \snaptogrid [top] \vbox{\makedummy} \par
  \input ward \par

  method: line
  \snaptogrid [line] \vbox{\makedummy} \par
  \input ward \par

... yields ...

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